

For information about the company Servis LCD


Name: Daniel Heneberg
Street: Partyzanska 2
City: Šternberk
ZIP code: 785 01
Tel. number: +420 730 84 86 85
ID: 04312171
Bankers: 2000842194/2010


You need something advise you experience problems with the selection of goods or was there a defect? Below you mentioned contacts to individual departments.

The quickest method of contact is online, via this form. (if you have a question about your order, log into your customer account and then select the order number on the form and merchandise, accelerate the communication)


Information for dispatched orders. Here you can find out the status of your order, date of execution and other essentials. Please do not contact us immediately after sending the order asking "when will be settled." About every step of the order process (receiving, shipment of goods, ...), you'll always be informed via e-mail specified by the order. If you choose to call us, always ready to keep order number, speed up the communication.

  • Tel .: +420 730 84 86 85 (available weekdays 8:30 to 6:00 p.m.)
  • E-mail:

Information on this product

The information on this product can quickly send a click on the "Ask a question" at the interviewee goods. Otherwise, you may contact the following contacts:

  • Tel .: +420 730 84 86 85 (available weekdays 8:30 to 6:00 p.m.)
  • E-mail:

Claims / Return

Complaints goods are handled according to the procedure here. If your complaint, please fill out the complaint form in the customer account -> History of orders and detail -> select and fill out the order form on The claiming / Returns. After sending the relevant data through a complaint form, these requests are processed first.

If you need advice on how to make a complaint about the state complaint, etc., please contact us at the contacts below:

  • Tel .: +420 730 84 86 85 (available weekdays 8:30 to 6:00 p.m.)
  • E-mail:


Do you want us to regularly procure goods and thus reach the wholesale price? You are a supplier of goods corresponds with our offer and would like to become our supplier? Please contact us at the contacts below:

  • Tel .: +420 730 84 86 85 (available weekdays 8:30 to 6:00 p.m.)
  • E-mail:


In case of any further queries, please contact us at the contacts below:

  • Tel .: +420 730 84 86 85 (available weekdays 8:30 to 6:00 p.m.)
  • E-mail:


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