

Payment methods

Personally Cash

The easiest way is to pay your order directly in the stone shop HS mobil in her collection.

Payment is free of charge.

Cash on delivery

Apart from the personal collection it is always possible to pay for the goods upon receipt by COD. Cash on delivery is charged according to modes of transport, therefore, see the individual modes of transport.

Price is according type of transport.

On-line payment payment gateway ComGate

ComGate is one of the largest providers of payment gateways in the Czech Republic and offers a wide variety of options online payment. After sending the order, the customer can use the service ePlatba that it redirects to the bank's internet banking. Payer through internet banking sends payment. The seller dispatches goods immediately upon receipt of payment receipt. Money transfers are made through the company's account ComGate Payments, Inc.

Credit card

On-line payment by credit card during the ordering process is the fastest way to pay. Servis LCD operator does not have access to the data entered so far (card number, CVV, ...), so it is not possible to save a stranger or abuse.

How is the payment card on the Internet?

Payment card on the Internet ensures the operator ComGate in cooperation with a local bank. All sensitive information such as card number and CVV user enters into a secure 3D Secure cooperative banks and is subject to the standards of card associations, see demo payments, so there is no risk of loss of privacy or misuse of credit cards. Sensitive input data that you enter into the internet banking system are protected by banks and payment gateways do not get into the environment of third parties. Payment processors can only see information about the transaction that sent them to the bank to communicate transactions.

By concluding the purchase contract gives the buyer the seller consent to the processing of your data, and until a written statement disagreeing with the workmanship. Contact information that the buyer will indicate when ordering, is used solely for our use and will not be disclosed to other parties except payment processors.

Bank transfer

Customer after completing the selection of goods in e-shop merchant selects a payment method bank transfer, our bank selects when entering the electronic banking will see the already completed payment order. Confirmation of payment by the customer business is immediately informed about the payment and can dispatch goods.

List of online payments:

Pre-filled payment order:

  • Czech Savings Bank
  • Raiffeissenbank banks
  • Commercial Bank
  • mBank
  • FIO
  • GE Money Bank
  • Sberbank

Payment order must be entered manually:

  • ČSOB
  • Era
  • UniCredit
  • Equa bank
  • Zuno
  • Air Bank
  • Citi bank ING Bank
  • Ober banks
  • HBSC bank
  • LBBW
  • J & T Bank
  • Commerzbank
  • PPF bank

Credit cards:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • Maestro

Sensitive input data that you enter into the internet banking system are protected by banks and payment gateways do not get into the environment of third parties. Payment processors can only see information about the transaction that sent them to the bank to communicate transactions.

By concluding the purchase contract gives the buyer the seller consent to the processing of your data, and until a written statement disagreeing with the workmanship. Contact information that the buyer will indicate when ordering, is used solely for our use and will not be disclosed to other parties except payment processors.

Payment is free of charge.


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